Sustainable Agriculture Development, Processing and Marketing

The program aims at dignified livelihoods of family farmers in sustainable ecosystems of Kyenjojo. To increase the food security and income of family farms in Kyenjojo, the program focuses on increasing production and farm resilience through agro-ecological agriculture and climate adaptation. The improved efficiency and sustainability of family farmers, improved nutritional status of the farm household, (improved agronomic practices, integrated pest and disease management, soil and water conservation, seed security and sovereignty and appropriate post-harvest handling, nutrition, key local food contents and their nutritional values as well as preparation methods), will lead to change of economical as well as social relations, which are both needed to come to a dignified life where family farmers get better control over what must be done to come to a positive change on household and community level

Community Agro processing and Value Addition services- it involves

  • Grain milling
  • Sorting, grading and Packing of maize flour
  • Capacity building in post-harvest handling.
  • Market information, intelligence & linkages to farmers.
  • Organizing and capacity building of farmer groups in collective bulking and marketing.
  • Market processed products to different markets including schools and tertiary institutions in the region.

KAWODA promotes the production, processing and marketing of majorly maize along the value chains, KAWODA has established primary processing infrastructure and equipment’s and started the processing and packaging of maize, super maize flour which is cleaned, graded and packaged in various quantities of 1kg, 5, 10, 25 and 50kgs to fit the consumer need. KAWODA promotes the production of maize through its affiliate farmer groups (Farmer Family Learning Groups, VSLA’s).  KAWODA under the agribusiness departments intends to help the population meet the demands for basic food supplies by expanding their production capacity in line with current trends.

KAWODA offers competitive rates and fast, efficient distribution on high quality maize meal to their local consumer clients.