Human Rights Promotion

This program has its main focus to enhance the understanding, respect and observance of social economic, minority and civic rights among local communities through training, Community education, advocacy and networking


Family violence/domestic violence prevention, Minority rights focus especially children, women and minority ethnic tribes

Family violence/domestic violence prevention

It was realized that Violence against Women is directly connected to the increasing rates of HIV infection and AIDS among married women in Kyenjojo District. Domestic violence is both a cause and consequence of HIV infection. When women and girls lack respect, fairness, kindness in their relationship, families and communities they are more vulnerable to violence and more vulnerable to HIV and HIV/AIDS. For many women, the violence they experience leads to HIV infection, for others HIV positive status brings violence, which can speed the onset of AIDS.

In order to break this connection, we are working to create awareness through sensitization meetings working with Community Based Facilitators, expert client, use of drama shows, radio talk shows using field broadcasting, field visit/ home visitation to VAW victims, doing counseling and referral for both domestic violence and HIV/AIDS, use of IEC materials. This program is currently implemented in Nyabirongo and Butiti subcounty of Kyenjojo District