Organisation Overview

Kyenjojo Association of Women Development Actors (KAWODA) formerly known as Association of women Development Actors (AWODA) is local women led Organization based in Kyenjojo district in Uganda; East Africa. It was registered on 17th May 2016 with Kyenjojo District Local Government with Registration number KCD 7267 and later registered as company limited by Guarantee in 2021 with Registration Number 80020003025726. Since inception KAWODA promotes economic empowerment of small holder farmers through diversification of agriculture, value addition and sustainable marketing as strategies for increasing incomes and consequently improving livelihoods for the rural poor. We recognise that ending extreme poverty must start with the poorest people, referred to as people living in ultra-poverty. They are the lowest earning and most vulnerable subset of people in extreme poverty, living on less than $1.90/day. KAWODA uses a household approach targeting chronically food insecure households with the capacity to engage in productive activities, using the graduation model, KAWODA will methodically build confidence, increase capabilities, and change the behaviour of women and household members in such a way as to improve nutrition, food security, accumulation of assets and income.