Monthly Archives: August 2017

farming practices

AWODA Enhance production of Plantain (Gonja) in Kyenjojo Plantains, commonly referred to as gonja, are a popular delicacy in Uganda. However, not many Ugandans grow it, in spite of its high demand and ready market. Association of Women Development Actors, a women led community based organization is championing the production of plantain (Gonja) in Butiti […]


Over the past three decades pig production has become an increasingly important activity in Uganda, as indicated by the change in pig population from 0.19 to 3.2 million. In 2011, Uganda has the highest per capita consumption of pork meat in Sub-Saharan Africa (3.4 kg/person/year).  In Uganda there are more than 1.1 million families raising pigs, mostly […]

Village Savings and Loans

Village Savings and Loans: A Pathway to Financial Inclusion for Poorest Households in Kyenjojo district For Africa’s poorest and most marginalized households, few financial institutions exist to serve them, and where institutions do exist; they generally have inappropriate products and services. To address the issue of financial inclusion and reach poorer clients, Association of Women […]